Thursday, September 24, 2020

Steps To Integrate Easebuzz Payment Gateway Using Core PHP


Steps To Integrate Easebuzz Payment Gateway Using Core PHP

Steps to integrate Easebuzz payment gateway by using Core PHP

Pay with Easebuzz is a payment gateway aggregator who offers an electronic payment service for any merchant website irrespective of their backend technology. 

How To get Easebuzz Payment Gateway

1. Sign up on easebuzz and upload your required documents.
2. Request for test credentials and integrate payment gateway.
3. Change credentials to production and start collecting payments online.
4. You can also use your Easebuzz account to also receive payments by creating links, or Easepay. 

Integration proccess using Core PHP

1. After downloaded payment gateway kit copy and paste easebuzz-lib folder in your's project directory.

2. Create Two PHP files easebuzz.php and response.php 

3. Than include "include_once('easebuzz-lib/easebuzz_payment_gateway.php'); " in easebuzz.php file.

4. Next Set Environment $MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT and $ENV.
          $MERCHANT_KEY = "11PKP71CDZ3";
          $SALT = "DEF78E8IXY";         
          $ENV = "test";   // set enviroment name

5. create Easebuzz class object and pass $MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT and $ENV.
            $easebuzzObj = new Easebuzz($MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT, $ENV);

6. call Easebuzz class methods and function based on your's requirements.
       a). Initiate Payment API POST Format and call initiatePaymentAPI

    $postData = array ( 
        "txnid" => "T3SAT0B5OL", 
        "amount" => "100.0", 
        "firstname" => "jitendra", 
        "email" => "", 
        "phone" => "1231231235", 
        "productinfo" => "Laptop", 
        "surl" => "http://localhost:3000/response.php", 
        "furl" => "http://localhost:3000/response.php", 
        "udf1" => "aaaa", 
        "udf2" => "aaaa", 
        "udf3" => "aaaa", 
        "udf4" => "aaaa", 
        "udf5" => "aaaa", 
        "address1" => "aaaa", 
        "address2" => "aaaa", 
        "city" => "aaaa", 
        "state" => "aaaa", 
        "country" => "aaaa", 
        "zipcode" => "123123" 


  b). Transaction API POST Format and call transaction API

    $postData = array ( 
        "txnid" => "TZIF0SS24C",
        "amount" => "1.03",
        "email" => "",
        "phone" => "1231231235"

    $result = $easebuzzObj->transactionAPI($postData); 

7. Process is completed.


So we can see how to integrate easebuzz payment gateway.

Please let us know if you are facing any issue while payment.

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer


Monday, September 21, 2020

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Bank open is an new system to collect payment via PHP Technology. Following are the steps:

PG Sandbox APIs for Bankonnect PG.

Step 1:  After Signup, the merchant can go on and generate the Sandbox Keys from the tab - Integration - Payment Gateways

Step 2: Go to and  For generating the Request Signature, please refer to the documentation,,  "Authentication" and follow the steps for "Authorization header" which will be required for creating Payment token and once completed  go to "Payment Gateway" click on "Layer" and then click on “Layer Checkout” for the integration.  The Authorization header would be 'bearer ACCESS_KEY:REQUEST SIGNATURE'.  

Step 4: Create HTML Form

Make Donation Online

1. Name

2. Email

3. Mobile number

4. Amount

Step 5: Payment accept Page




        'customer_name' => $name,

        'amount' => $amount,

        'currency'  => 'INR',

        'mtx' => date('ymdhis'),//merchant-reference-number

        'email_id' => $email,

        'contact_number' => $mobile




"; print_r($http->get_last_http_error()); echo "






Step 6: Response Received


        sprintf($payment_token['status']['route'], $payment_token_id)


    $data['data'] = json_decode(json_encode($payment_token_data), true);

    $data['time'] = date('d-m-Y: H:i:s');

    $inp = file_get_contents('response.json');

    $tempArray = json_decode($inp);

    array_push($tempArray, $data);

    $jsonData = json_encode($tempArray);

    file_put_contents('response.json', $jsonData);

} catch (Exception $exception) {

    echo "



    echo "



} ?>

Thanks for payment

Payment Status: Success                   

Transaction Number:Z_UDFjsKL  


So we have seen simple example how to integrate payment gateway using PHP technology. If you are facing any issue please contact

Other Payment Gatway Integration also Available

1. Paytm Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

2. Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

3. Bankonnect Payment Gateway Integration in Android App or Mobile App

4. Instamojo Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

5. Easebuzz Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

6. ENACH API Integration in PHP

For Integration kindly mail:

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Payment Gateway Integration Service in PHP

 Payment Gateway Integration Services India-8795202855

Payment Gateway Integration Services In PHP

Payment Gateway Integration Services provided by Prime Programmer. We provide services for all types of eCommerce and Non eCommerce Websites based on PHP technology. Our Integration services includes all support you need to integrate payment gateway into your website or Mobile(Android)application and make it live (From bank end to your website/application end.

Payment Gateway Services For websites or mobile application and both offering e-commerce services to its clients, integrating a Cheapest payment gateway with their site is a basic necessity. While choosing the right gateway is more important, ensuring proper payment gateway integration is equally significant to ensure smooth online transactions for your customers. With Prime Programmer, you can get the most Reliable and Affordable Best Payment Gateways Integration services for Business in India that will help enhance the feeling of trust amongst your customers. We make sure that the payment gateway you choose offers a fast and safe point of payment that is easy to use for online customers. We are capable of integrating your website with almost any type of payment gateway in a convenient manner.

List of payment gateway integration in PHP and Framework(Laravel, Cakephp, CI And Android application)

1.  Paypal  
2.  Citrus payment gateway
3.  Authorized.Net 
4.  ICICI Bank
5.  Bankonnect(Bank Open)
6.  Razorpay
7.  Paytm
8.  Ccavenue
9.  PayU Money
10. ZooZ payment gateway
11. NMI
12. ENACH API Integration(paynimo)
13. E Mandate 


Now we understand prime programmer provide above service and also capable to integrate above listed payment gateways

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Steps to Integrate Razorpay payment gateway in php

Steps to integrate Razorpay payment gateway in php

Razorpay payment gateway integration in PHP

Steps to integrate Razorpay payment gateway in php

How to integrate Razor Payment Gateway in website ?

After all process have completed by Razorpay. 

"Congratulations! Your Razorpay account has been activated." has been received

Your will received sandbox payment gateway kit. Which have Key ID and Key secret . these are testing credentails

$keyId = 'rzp_test_ZBXX7X5mcPzHGT';
$keySecret = 'yVKkje2aIBCALubM98dLuxv9';

Automatic Checkout

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<form action="/purchase" method="POST">
<!-- Note that the amount is in paise = 50 INR -->
    data-buttontext="Pay with TechHawa"
    data-name="Merchant Name"
    data-description="Purchase Description"
<input type="hidden" value="Hidden Element" name="hidden">

Step 2 Create order from server

$order  = $client->order->create([  'receipt'         => 'order_rcptid_11',  'amount'          => 500, // amount in the smallest currency unit  'currency'        => 'INR',// <a href="/docs/payment-gateway/payments/international-payments/#supported-currencies" target="_blank">See the list of supported currencies</a>.)  'payment_capture' =>  '0']);

Manual order

<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button><script src=""></script><script>var options = {    "key": "YOUR_KEY_ID", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard    "amount": "50000", // Amount is in currency subunits. Default currency is INR. Hence, 50000 refers to 50000 paise    "currency": "INR", "name": "Acme Corp",    "description": "Test Transaction",    "image": "", "order_id": "order_9A33XWu170gUtm", //This is a sample Order ID. Pass the `id` obtained in the response of Step 1    "handler": function (response){        alert(response.razorpay_payment_id); alert(response.razorpay_order_id); alert(response.razorpay_signature)    },    "prefill": {        "name": "Gaurav Kumar",        "email": "", "contact": "9999999999"    },    "notes": {        "address": "Razorpay Corporate Office"    },    "theme": {        "color": "#F37254"    }};var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){;    e.preventDefault();}</script>

Testing Card

Card Network

Domestic / International

Card Number



5104 0155 5555 5558
5104 0600 0000 0008



4111 1111 1111 1111



5555 5555 5555 4444
5105 1051 0510 5100



4012 8888 8888 1881
4000 1841 8621 8826


Generate Signature of your website server

generated_signature = hmac_sha256(razorpay_order_id + "|" +
razorpay_payment_id, secret); if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) { payment is successful }

use Razorpay\Api\Api;$api = new Api($api_key, $api_secret);
$attrbutes  = array(‘razorpay_signature’  => ‘23233’,  
‘razorpay_payment_id’  => ‘332’ ,  ‘razorpay_order_id’ => ‘12122’);
$order  = $api->utility->verifyPaymentSignature($attributes)


As we have seen above razorpay payment gateway integration in php is quite simple

This proccess is also compatible with Laravel, Codeigniter and Cakephp

We have also provide integration in Android Mobile App(Java)

Please let me know if you have any query

Mahendra K Mishra

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Visual Studio Not open in Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 /var/lib/snapd has 'other' write 40777

Happened to me also. I changed the permissions of /var/lib/snapd from 777 to 755, so just do:

sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/lib/snapd

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Configure Virtual Host apache2 In Ubuntu 20.04

Configure Virtual Host  apache2 In Ubuntu 20.04

Configure Virtual Host  apache2 In Ubuntu 20.04

Do after successfull installation of LAMP

Step 1: Create web diretory of each virtual host

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/

Step 2: Change ownership from root to current user

$ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/

Step 3: Set read permission to the Apache root directory i.e /var/www/  using command in terminal

$ sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/

Step 4: Create demo page for host

$ sudo vi /var/www/

 <h1>Hello, This is a test page for website</h1>

Save & Close file.

Step 5:  Create configuration file for your host (

$ sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Becareful that you must save all configuration files with .conf extension at the end, otherwise it will not work.

Now update in changes in *.conf file

<VirtualHost *:80>
 # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname and port that
 # the server uses to identify itself. This is used when creating
 # redirection URLs. In the context of virtual hosts, the ServerName
 # specifies what hostname must appear in the request's Host: header to
 # match this virtual host. For the default virtual host (this file) this
 # value is not decisive as it is used as a last resort host regardless.
 # However, you must set it for any further virtual host explicitly.

   ServerAlias www.ostechnix1.lan
   DocumentRoot /var/www/

# Available loglevels: trace8, ..., trace1, debug, info, notice, warn,
 # error, crit, alert, emerg.
 # It is also possible to configure the loglevel for particular
 # modules, e.g.
 #LogLevel info ssl:warn

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

# For most configuration files from conf-available/, which are
 # enabled or disabled at a global level, it is possible to
 # include a line for only one particular virtual host. For example the
 # following line enables the CGI configuration for this host only
 # after it has been globally disabled with "a2disconf".
 #Include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf

Save & Close

Step 6:  Disable default virtual host

$ sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Step 7:  Enable your configured virtaul host

$ sudo a2ensite

Step 8: Test configured virtual host

$ sudo apache2ctl configtest

if all is ok shows below message

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Syntax OK

Step 9: Configure defined site to hosts file

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts


Step 10: Restart your apache2 server

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

That's it.

Finally, open your installed browser and hit below url:

Other Service also provide

Let me know if you have any query.

Prime Programmer

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Prime Programmer

Prime Programmer: Prime Programmer offers an IT solutions to improve your business.We works with clients to develop the best possible IT solution for their company.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Steps To Integrate Bankonnect Co Payment Gateway (ICICI Bank) in Android(Mobile) App

Steps To Integrate Bankonnect Co Payment Gateway (ICICI Bank) in Android(Mobile) App

Steps To Integrate Bankonnect Co Payment Gateway (ICICI Bank) in Android(Mobile) App

Bank open is an new system to collect payment via android app. Following are the steps:

PG Sandbox APIs for Bankonnect PG.

Step 1:  After Signup, the merchant can go on and generate the Sandbox Keys from the tab - Integration - Payment Gateways

Step 2: Go to and  For generating the Request Signature, please refer to the documentation,,  "Authentication" and follow the steps for "Authorization header" which will be required for creating Payment token and once completed  go to "Payment Gateway" click on "Layer" and then click on “Layer Checkout” for the integration.  The Authorization header would be 'bearer ACCESS_KEY:REQUEST SIGNATURE'.  

Step 3: Once you click on Layer Checkout - you can start integrating "Layer.js" to creating the payment token, please refer to the documentation, The sandbox API for generating the payment token is, You can also use POSTMAN for testing, the POSTMAN collection for payment token creation is,,  You don't have to use the UDF parameter when generating the request signature. 

Step 4: Once the integration is completed, the merchant can replace the live Key with Sandbox and replace the production URL instead of Sandbox URL. Refer to  For getting the sandbox API keys and credentials and Live API keys.

Step 5: Before using the live keys, the merchant has to click on “Activate Payment Gateway” from the Payment Gateway inside Integration section.

Android code

      public void onTransactionCompleted(final TransactionDetails transactionDetails) {
          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  String response = "On Transaction Completed:\n" +
                          "\n Payment Id: " + transactionDetails.paymentId +
                          "\n Payment Token Id: " + transactionDetails.paymentTokenId +
                          "\n Status: " + transactionDetails.status;


      public void onError(final String s) {
          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  mTextViewResponseText.setText(String.format("onError: \n%s", s));

Remove Listener -

To remove listeners, you can invoke detachListener() after the transaction is completed or you haven’t to do with payment callbacks.



Follow above steps to integrate in mobile app. If you are facing any issue please contact

For Integration kindly mail:

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Monday, July 6, 2020

Name validation check with alpha numeric using jQuery.

<div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
          <input type="textclass="form-control
placeholder="Full Namename="customer_name

$('#customer_name').keypress(function(e) {
        var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
        //Regex for Valid Characters i.e. 
Alphabets and Numbers.
        var regex = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/;

        //Validate TextBox value against the Regex.
var isValid = regex.test(String.fromCharCode(keyCode));
        if (!isValid) {
          return false;


        return isValid;



Price or Amount validation by jQuery is very easy

      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
          <input type="textclass="form-control"
  placeholder="Amount in INR
autocomplete="offrequired ">


$('#amount').keypress(function(event) { if ((event.which != 46 ||
$(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) &&
(event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) { event.preventDefault(); } });


Number Validation with fixed count using jQuery

      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
          <input type="textclass="form-control"
 placeholder="Enter Contact No. Only

<script type="text/javascript">
      $("input[name=phone]").attr("maxlength", "10");
      $('#phone').keypress(function(e) {
        //if the letter is not digit then display
 error and don't type anything
        if (e.which != 8 && e.which != 0 && 
(e.which < 48 || e.which > 57)) {
          //display error message
          //$("#errmsg").html("Digits Only").show().
          return false;


Code run perfectly.

Any issue contact me

New Payment Gateway Of ICICI Bank Released(


New Payment Gateway Of ICICI Bank Released(

I have integrated new ICICI bank connect payment gateway for our client. It is too easy. integrate.

It's layer js is so interesting. 

PG Sandbox APIs for Bankonnect PG.

Following are the procedure

Step 1:  After Signup, the merchant can go on and generate the Sandbox Keys from the tab - Integration - Payment Gateways

Step 2: Go to and  For generating the Request Signature, please refer to the documentation,,  "Authentication" and follow the steps for "Authorization header" which will be required for creating Payment token and once completed  go to "Payment Gateway" click on "Layer" and then click on “Layer Checkout” for the integration.  The Authorization header would be 'bearer ACCESS_KEY:REQUEST SIGNATURE'.  

Step 3: Once you click on Layer Checkout - you can start integrating "Layer.js" to creating the payment token, please refer to the documentation,

The sandbox API for generating the payment token is, You can also use POSTMAN for testing, the POSTMAN collection for payment token creation is,,  You don't have to use the UDF parameter when generating the request signature. 

Step 4: Once the integration is completed, the merchant can replace the live Key with Sandbox and replace the production URL instead of Sandbox URL. Refer to  For getting the sandbox API keys and credentials and Live API keys.

Step 5: Before using the live keys, the merchant has to click on “Activate Payment Gateway” from the Payment Gateway inside Integration section.
Once MID is acquired and live, the user would be able to see the status under Integration - Payment Gateway as "Payment Gateway - Active"
For getting the sandbox API keys and credentials and Live API keys.

1. Please login to open dashboard click on Integration tab -next to client name go to settings- company profile - developer API 

2. In that Api key and access key you will get by clicking on generate it tab.

3. Also ensure whebook url which will be your source and redirection url on which you will get txn confirm message both update it and generate API key and Access key .

Call or what's app for Integration

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to change json to string in Android App + Java

GetData is a retrofit configuration

UpdateUserProfile is model
getUser is getter of another model
Personame is an edit box
GetData service = RetrofitClient.getClient().create(GetData.class);
Call<UpdateUserProfile> callProfile= service.fetchUserData();
callProfile.enqueue(new Callback<UpdateUserProfile>() 
{    @Override    public void onResponse(Call<UpdateUserProfile> call,  
Response<UpdateUserProfile> response) {       
 String updateUserProfile= response.body().getUser().get(0).getId();     

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?
SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization which is a component of Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization is essentially the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of visitors to a website through the Organic Search Results.
How SEO Works?
You may think of a Search Engine like Google of a website where you search magically for answers to your homework problem or to find a local service pro.

That’s 100% true, but there is a lot more put into this magical search, and that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about here.
Google, for example (or any other search engine), crawls the sites across the internet. Once content across the internet is crawled by the Google search engine, it results in an index. This index is then put into an “Algorithm” Since Google is the largest and most used search engine on the internet, the algorithm is much much more competitive due to the amount of creators or websites being indexed.
MOZ has a phenomenal image that will help you understand the search engine aspect of Search Engine Optimization, a group of experts grouped the factors this way:
What is the Google Algorithm?
If you want to stay on top of the trends, you need to understand the concept of algorithms and how Google changed them over the years.
By definition, an algorithm is a set of rules designed to solve a problem in a finite number of steps. The definition applies to every algorithm, including Google’s, which basically means that the platform uses a highly specific formula to identify the most appropriate search results for each query.
Given that Google typically changes its algorithm 500 to 600 times a year, it is essential to track progress and react promptly. It’s impossible to explain the entire history of Google algorithms in one post, but we can point out the most important updates:

  • Google Panda: Google released the Panda update in 2011 to reduce the influence of low-quality websites and boost the ranking of pages serving top-notch content. The point was to undermine sites with lots of duplicate content, low value, ads, and so on.
  • Google Penguin: Google released the Penguin update in 2012 to focus on sites with a huge number of irrelevant inbound links. From this point on, it was much more difficult to boost ranking by buying backlinks or generating them artificially.
  • Google Hummingbird: Google released the Hummingbird update in 2013 and it turned out to be the most influential change of all. Namely, the new algorithm has been designed to accurately interpret user intent and the true meaning behind search phrases, thus enabling Google to find better results and improving ranking results.
  • Google Pigeon: Google released the Pigeon update in 2014 with a highly specific goal in mind and that was to improve location-based search results. The algorithm takes into account maps and local directories to give more precise location-specific information.
  • Google Fred: Google released the Fred update in 2017 but refused to make any comments about it.

  • You can learn more about the google algorithm here.

    Also Provide

    GST billing software

    Stock Management software

    Mobile application development

    Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

    Front-End Custom Development

      Front-End Custom Development Our front-end functional components are tailor-made, crafted from the ground up to provide not only exception...
