Thursday, September 24, 2020

Steps To Integrate Easebuzz Payment Gateway Using Core PHP


Steps To Integrate Easebuzz Payment Gateway Using Core PHP

Steps to integrate Easebuzz payment gateway by using Core PHP

Pay with Easebuzz is a payment gateway aggregator who offers an electronic payment service for any merchant website irrespective of their backend technology. 

How To get Easebuzz Payment Gateway

1. Sign up on easebuzz and upload your required documents.
2. Request for test credentials and integrate payment gateway.
3. Change credentials to production and start collecting payments online.
4. You can also use your Easebuzz account to also receive payments by creating links, or Easepay. 

Integration proccess using Core PHP

1. After downloaded payment gateway kit copy and paste easebuzz-lib folder in your's project directory.

2. Create Two PHP files easebuzz.php and response.php 

3. Than include "include_once('easebuzz-lib/easebuzz_payment_gateway.php'); " in easebuzz.php file.

4. Next Set Environment $MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT and $ENV.
          $MERCHANT_KEY = "11PKP71CDZ3";
          $SALT = "DEF78E8IXY";         
          $ENV = "test";   // set enviroment name

5. create Easebuzz class object and pass $MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT and $ENV.
            $easebuzzObj = new Easebuzz($MERCHANT_KEY, $SALT, $ENV);

6. call Easebuzz class methods and function based on your's requirements.
       a). Initiate Payment API POST Format and call initiatePaymentAPI

    $postData = array ( 
        "txnid" => "T3SAT0B5OL", 
        "amount" => "100.0", 
        "firstname" => "jitendra", 
        "email" => "", 
        "phone" => "1231231235", 
        "productinfo" => "Laptop", 
        "surl" => "http://localhost:3000/response.php", 
        "furl" => "http://localhost:3000/response.php", 
        "udf1" => "aaaa", 
        "udf2" => "aaaa", 
        "udf3" => "aaaa", 
        "udf4" => "aaaa", 
        "udf5" => "aaaa", 
        "address1" => "aaaa", 
        "address2" => "aaaa", 
        "city" => "aaaa", 
        "state" => "aaaa", 
        "country" => "aaaa", 
        "zipcode" => "123123" 


  b). Transaction API POST Format and call transaction API

    $postData = array ( 
        "txnid" => "TZIF0SS24C",
        "amount" => "1.03",
        "email" => "",
        "phone" => "1231231235"

    $result = $easebuzzObj->transactionAPI($postData); 

7. Process is completed.


So we can see how to integrate easebuzz payment gateway.

Please let us know if you are facing any issue while payment.

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer


Monday, September 21, 2020

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Steps To Integrate ICICI Bankonnect Payment Gateway In Core PHP

Bank open is an new system to collect payment via PHP Technology. Following are the steps:

PG Sandbox APIs for Bankonnect PG.

Step 1:  After Signup, the merchant can go on and generate the Sandbox Keys from the tab - Integration - Payment Gateways

Step 2: Go to and  For generating the Request Signature, please refer to the documentation,,  "Authentication" and follow the steps for "Authorization header" which will be required for creating Payment token and once completed  go to "Payment Gateway" click on "Layer" and then click on “Layer Checkout” for the integration.  The Authorization header would be 'bearer ACCESS_KEY:REQUEST SIGNATURE'.  

Step 4: Create HTML Form

Make Donation Online

1. Name

2. Email

3. Mobile number

4. Amount

Step 5: Payment accept Page




        'customer_name' => $name,

        'amount' => $amount,

        'currency'  => 'INR',

        'mtx' => date('ymdhis'),//merchant-reference-number

        'email_id' => $email,

        'contact_number' => $mobile




"; print_r($http->get_last_http_error()); echo "






Step 6: Response Received


        sprintf($payment_token['status']['route'], $payment_token_id)


    $data['data'] = json_decode(json_encode($payment_token_data), true);

    $data['time'] = date('d-m-Y: H:i:s');

    $inp = file_get_contents('response.json');

    $tempArray = json_decode($inp);

    array_push($tempArray, $data);

    $jsonData = json_encode($tempArray);

    file_put_contents('response.json', $jsonData);

} catch (Exception $exception) {

    echo "



    echo "



} ?>

Thanks for payment

Payment Status: Success                   

Transaction Number:Z_UDFjsKL  


So we have seen simple example how to integrate payment gateway using PHP technology. If you are facing any issue please contact

Other Payment Gatway Integration also Available

1. Paytm Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

2. Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

3. Bankonnect Payment Gateway Integration in Android App or Mobile App

4. Instamojo Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

5. Easebuzz Payment Gateway Integration in PHP

6. ENACH API Integration in PHP

For Integration kindly mail:

Also Provide

GST billing software

Stock Management software

Mobile application development

Payment Gateway Integration(core PHP, Laravel and Python)

Prime Programmer


Prime Programmer

Front-End Custom Development

  Front-End Custom Development Our front-end functional components are tailor-made, crafted from the ground up to provide not only exception...
